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About us

Dawn Brown
Dawn Brown

The word cloud above shows how our church family responded to the question

"What does WFPC mean to you?"

We, at WFPC, consider ourselves to be children of God, and thereby His peacemakers (Matt. 5:1-12). We have a wide range of political/theological persuasions in our church, and we all agree that although we are not “like-minded,” we strive to be “Christ-minded” as we move into our future together as a body of believers, being faithful to Jesus’ mandate to love Him and to be His followers.  All are welcome!


As Presbyterians, we are called to respond to the Word by participating in God's ability of healing and reconciling; ministering to the needs of the poor, the sick, the lonely and the powerless; helping in the struggle to free people from sin, fear, oppression, hunger and injustice; and giving of ourselves and our substance to the service of those who suffer. As a church, we are the body of Christ. And through His ministry, Jesus shows us how to glorify God by sharing His love with others. He teaches us how to be blessed with the joy of reaching out to our brothers and sisters in need (Matthew 25: 35-36).

our staff:

Marguerite Sirrine
Katherine Peiper

Director of Children, Family & Youth

Merritt Liebman

Director of Youth Ministries

Dawn Brown

Preschool Director

Amy Cebrick

Assistant Director of Children's Ministries

Karen Reardon

Director of Music Ministries

Cindy Shriver
Jill Murr

Financial Administrator

Renee Engel

Executive Assistant

Jermaine Taylor

Director of A/V and Media

Building Open Hours:

Mon-Thu 9-2

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