Frequently Asked Questions
How will I understand the proceedings of the worship service?
A church bulletin will be provided to you by the ushers to guide you through the service. Inside you will also find special announcements and ministry inserts.
Am I invited to partake in Communion?
Yes, all who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are invited to the Communion Table (served the first Sunday of each month) at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church. Normally, we take Communion by Intinction, a fancy word for saying that we take Communion by dipping bread in wine/grape juice. The congregation acts together, moving as a community towards the Table as directed by ushers. In the Reformed tradition, we believe that salvation is given to us and is not something we take; by being handed bread, the symbolism for this belief is enacted.
At WFPC, we use non-alcoholic grape juice only. Gluten free bread is also made available. You will be invited to come forward, row by row, and the bread will be placed in your hand. When given bread the server will offer words of affirmation “Christ’s body broken for you.” When given the cup the server will offer words of affirmation “The blood of Christ shed for you." Then, you will dip the bread in the cup and eat. Suggested responses are:
You can be silent and not say anything, maybe a silent prayer or,
You can say, “Amen” or,
You can say, “Thanks be to God!” or,
You may also say whatever the Spirit leads you to say.
How do Presbyterians Baptize people?
Baptism is sign of God’s amazing grace; a sign and a seal of our becoming part of the Body of Christ, the Church. In the Presbyterian Church we “sprinkle” water on a person’s head from water in a baptismal font, as opposed to some traditions that “immerse” people in a pool of water head to toe. Immersion signifies “believers” baptism.
Although the Presbyterian Church (USA) also administers “believers” baptism (a sign of a person’s belief in and commitment to serve as a disciple of Jesus) to youth and adults, we are more accustomed to administering “covenant” baptism, most often to babies and small children. It is an action through which we welcome children of believers into the household of God just as the early church did. In the covenant we make in baptism, the parents and the congregation make vows before God to raise a child in the knowledge and love of Jesus, until such a time that a child is old enough to profess (believe) faith in Jesus as their own Lord and Savior. This is ordinarily done at the conclusion of a yearlong Confirmation process to prepare 8th Graders to become full members of the church.
Baptism is a church-wide experience. It is not private. As such, we do not have God-parents for babies when they are baptized. The whole congregation takes that responsibility as a whole.
Do you offer Sunday School classes?
Explorations (B103-B104)
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.
What feels shaky in your world? Maybe you feel hurt by the past, disappointed by the present, or worried about the future. If so, there is hope. For every problem in life, God has given you a promise. Join the Explorations Class this fall as we study Max Lucado's book "Unshakable Hope".
Adults of all ages are welcome to join the Explorations class on Sunday mornings for prayer, fellowship and study of God's word. Contact Ginny Poulsen at ewpoulsen@gmail.com.
Reading Scripture (A128)
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.
“The words of scripture . . . become a reality only when they touch the minds and hearts of sentient beings, according to the different needs of each.” Karen Armstrong, The Lost Art of Scripture, p. 201.) Join in our study of Holy Scripture each Sunday morning this fall as we explore the Minor Prophets with their rich variety of times and needs of grace and faithfulness. We will Read Scripture, recognizing that it comes from Yesterday and comes to us Today, treating us all to “an honor and a joy, an inner necessity and a gracious privilege to serve and therefore” to hear the Word of God. (K. Barth, Church Dogmatics, Vol. I, Part 2, p. 852-53.)
Contact: keat.wiles@gmail.com.
​Coffee and Conversation (B017/B018)
9:00 a.m.
Gathering and fellowship for all ages (coffee and juice/light snack provided)
9:20 a.m.
*Children- Elementary teachers will escort children upstairs to B105-106 for a brief bible lesson!
*Youth - Option to stay with adults or move to the youth room for fellowship and conversation specific to youth!
9:30 - 9:45 a.m.
Brief Faith formation time for adults/youth who stay: storytelling/singing/devotion/discussion questions
9:45 a.m.
Prayer/blessing to close time together.
What if I have special needs, like a fussy baby?
There is no need to miss the service if your child gets fussy. The Narthex (lobby area as you enter the front door) has audio of the service, as well as comfortable seating if you need to leave the Sanctuary. In consideration of others, we encourage you to make use of this area. The church also keeps a first aid kit, diabetic supplies and defibrillator (AED) for the treatment of life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias.
Should I silence my cell phone?
Yes, we ask that everyone silence all mobile devices before entering the service so as to create a safe and focused worship space for everyone.
What do I wear?
No matter what your personal style is, we want you to feel comfortable at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church. If you prefer dressy, business, or casual attire, chances are there will be others dressed like you in our service.
Where do I park?
Special parking spaces are reserved for our visitors. Turn left after entering the parking lot from Capital Boulevard. Look for the green, reserved, visitor parking signs. Parking for those with limited mobility is available in three locations near all entrances.
Where do my children go?
A Nursery is provided for infants through children 3 years old in the preschool wing of the church. A volunteer from our Welcome Ministry will escort first time visitors to the appropriate room.
Children are welcome in the worship service at WFPC. If you'd like, after Children’s Time kids can move to a space JUST for them -- our Children's Corner! There will be quiet activities, kid-sized relaxing chairs, and bulletins. Ms. Amy and Ms. Katherine will help children participate in prayers during this time, guiding them to understand a bit more about how we do worship! Children will return to parents during the closing hymn.
What are your safety measures regarding COVID?
Beginning March 6 2022, masks are "encouraged but optional” for all WFPC campus activities. This includes both worship services and all other ministry activities on campus. .
Please do not come to the church campus if you are experiencing symptoms or are COVID positive.
If you develop COVID and have been on campus, we ask that you notify your group leader and any individuals with whom you might have come into contact.
Will I have an opportunity to meet the pastors?
Yes, our pastors would love to meet you! Our pastors are available after both the Praise Service and the Traditional Service. If you would like a more in-depth visit with any of the pastors, please call the church office at 919-556-7777 to set up a time for a personal visit or phone call.
Do you offer weddings for nonmembers?
In order to be married at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, you and/or your parents must be current members of our congregation.