Our Ministries
At Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, we are
Rooted in Christ
Growing Together in Faith
Reaching Out to Others
Wherever you are in your faith journey and whatever stage your family is at, we have designed our ministries to be there with you.

Children's Ministry
WFPC Children's Ministry is a place where we:
Gather together to share the love and teach the truth of God's love through Christ.
Reach out to the children in our church, our community, and our world.
Offer discipleship and mission opportunities to children of all ages.
Walk with parents and families in the faith formation of children.
We would love to have your child share in the journey of our "His Kids" ministry with us, where we grow in God's love and Grace together!
Click here for Children's Ministry Information Form
Click here to see our faith formation plan
Youth Ministries
Relationships are important in Youth Ministries at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church. We believe that God calls us to live in community and to care for one another – just like Jesus loved His disciples and the people He taught, healed and saved. For that reason, we offer many opportunities for Youth to deepen their relationships with God, peers, teachers and the world. We encourage Youth to find a place to plug in and grow in their faith.
Click here for the 2024/2025 Youth Packet
Click here to see our faith formation plan
Click here for an application for the SCG Scholarship

Adult Ministries
We are never too old to learn new an unexpected truths from the Bible and from our relationships with each other. In the Adult Ministries at Wake Forest Presbyterian Church, this truth is nurtured and explored. Classes and small groups of all types meet throughout the week to study, explore, and authentically share what is happening in their lives and how it relates to their faith. Minds are being expanded with new ideas and authentic emotions are embraced as we continue to relate and make meaning together on this Christian walk. Jesus once said: “I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and acts on them. That one is like a person building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock; when a flood arose, the river burst against that house but could not shake it, because it had been well built (Luke 6:47-48).” Come out and learn with us as you continue to build your foundation!
Jesus calls each of us to minister to others, especially those who are less fortunate. We are to love them as we love ourselves and God. The mission of our ministry is to create and heighten awareness of the places in need throughout the world and to present our church family with ministries/mission opportunities that reach out to these places and that spark our hearts with passion, faith, and love for others. As we consider places in need, we look to all areas – near and far – in our local community, in the United States, and around the world – that are struggling with poverty, physical hunger, spiritual hunger, discrimination, disasters, disease, and social injustice.
Our outreach ministries also include those who help support our church family and community, our Dementia Caregivers Support Group and Stephen Ministers.

Music Ministry
The music ministry at WFPC is an open, welcoming, diverse group of loving, dedicated and talented servants whose mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song; lead and encourage the congregation in both traditional and contemporary worship; and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts and be an integral part of the worship. The music ministry is comprised of Praise Team, Chancel Choir, Adult Handbells, Beginner Handbells, Alleluia Children's Choir, Youth Praise Band. If you have a heart for worship and music, our music ministry is a safe place for you to bring your heart and your gifts to God, to tune in, and to deepen the worship of your heart in a community of believers.

Wake Forest Presbyterian Church is proud to charter a Boy Scout Troop (boys 5th grade through 18 years). Scouting was developed over 109 years ago to develop character and leadership in young men (and now young women). Troop 5 was founded over 80 years ago and has produced 24 Eagle Scouts so far, with plans to make many more. We meet on Monday nights at 7pm at the church, Boy Scouts in the CLC, Cub Scouts in the Red Modular, and Venture Crew on the 1st and 3rd Mondays in the Youth Room. Stop in and see what Scouting can do for your children.
Walk Through Bethlehem
Traditionally held the first full weekend in December and welcoming thousands on-campus to experience the Christmas story, We have returned to a live, in-person event!